In keeping with the policy of healthy eating the school does not provide 'junk food' and aerated drinks. The food menu at
Modern Gurukul Public School
is carefully planned by the most trusted people in the fraternity of nutritionists. The food provided in the cafeteria is healthy, wholesome and as per the children's growing needs.
The concept of Green Campus keeps the air fresh and environment healthy in and around the school. Plastic and chemical free landscaping also helps Mother Nature to breathe and flourish.
In the restrooms, through the method of steam cleaning, the toilets are cleaned and sanitized. This helps prevent germs and keep the toilets infection free.
A special air purification system (photo hydro ionization) is imbibed in air-conditioning system that ionizes air and prevents up to 20 contagious diseases from spreading, including swine flu and keeps the environment healthy and infection free.
We also have a tie-up with a hospital in case of emergencies. On regular days a doctor from the hospital is available in the school for limited hours in addition to an in-house Nurse, specifically to cater to children's day to day medical problems.